Keyless Car Theft: Advanced Technology Inspires Crime Wave

A man wearing a hoodie standing next to a vehicle attempting to break into it

New or old, your car can get stolen in 15 to 30 seconds.

No matter what car manufacturers tell you, thieves can still break into your car. 

One of the latest trends in automobile theft is a method called keyless car theft. As stated in the name, all of this is stealthily done without a car key, meaning that if your car operates with a key fob, you are at risk. In this insight, we will delve into what exactly keyless car theft is and how to prevent keyless car theft from happening under your watch.

What is Keyless Car Theft? 

In short, keyless car theft is where thieves use relay devices to intercept signals between a car key fob and the vehicle’s entry system. Unlike traditional car theft methods that involve break-ins or hotwiring, keyless car theft is a digital process. This makes it super easy for thieves to unlock your car, start the engine, and drive away without a sound.  

These stolen cars can be quickly shipped off to other countries, sold for parts, or even used in more serious criminal activities. In 2022, Toronto saw 9,771 cars get stolen, a rise from 6,634 cars in 2021.

Relay Attacks: Easy and Effective for Car Thieves

The most common form of keyless car theft is the relay attack, which involves two people, each of them carrying a transmitting device. One person stands near the targeted vehicle while the other person stands near the house, trying to catch the signal of the key fob. 

Essentially, what the thieves want is for the device near the key fob to intercept the fob’s signal and send the signal back to the device near the car. This tricks the car’s system into thinking the legitimate key is nearby. When done correctly, relay attacks take as little as 5-10 seconds to execute, especially if the key fob is easily detectable. 

An instuctional sign on relay attacks work for car theft

Thieves also use devices that can amplify the signal emitted by a car owner’s key fob, if the key fob is at a greater distance from them. So simply moving your key fobs away from the front door will not be as effective as you think. 

Tips for Protecting Against Keyless Car Theft

Given the rise in keyless car theft, car owners must learn to proactively secure their vehicles. Here are some practical tips to protect against keyless car theft:

Signal-Blocking Pouches: To protect against signal amplification, car owners are advised to store their key fobs in signal-blocking pouches or metal containers, which prevent the signals from being intercepted.

Steering Wheel Lock: This will jam your steering wheel, delaying any momentum from car burglars. Consider installing gear shift locks and a killswitch as well. 

Parking: Always park your car in the garage. If there’s not enough garage room, consider moving the more valuable vehicle inside. 

Dash Cams and Surveillance Cameras: Having recorded video can potentially help track down thieves.

Make Your Car Less Attractive To Steal: By blocking your car with less desirable cars, or even putting up warning signs that highlight the surveillance around your house, you will make your car appear more difficult to steal.  

Take a look at our insight How To Prevent Car Theft in Ontario for a more in-depth look at protecting your car from burglary.

Sign Up For Neighbourhood Watch Services To Protect Against Car Theft

As technology advances, so do the tactics employed by car thieves. Keyless car theft is a stark reminder that vehicle security should always be a critical point of emphasis for car owners.

Visit our Neighbourhood Watch Security page for more information on how we can protect your car from being stolen. For a specific quote, visit our Contact Us page, where you can also inquire about a custom security package as well as other services we provide.